blev jag för några dagar sedan av söta lady thirty (som gjort den superfina bilden ovan av mig och mina tigrar).
The rules are:
1. answer the questions on your blog
2. take away one question you don't like and add a new one.
3. tag 8 other people
1. which perfume do you use?
Issey Miyake, Cool water by Davidoff, Absolutely Givenchy by Givenchy, Classique (fjärilsmönstrad) by Jean-Paul Gaultier.
2. song of the day?
Att fånga en fjäril with Lars Winnerbäck.
3. what are you currently reading?
Spark, how exercise will improve the performance of your brain (Dr John Ratey and Eric Hagerman) AND Levande kraft en inbjudan till frihet (Cicci Lyckow Beckman).
4. today's highlight?
The oppurtunity to chill for a whole day.
5. what whould you really like to learn?
To draw and paint pictures.
6. what was the last thing you bought?
A necklace with the word "harmoni" from me and alice.
7. what's your favourite animal?
Not surprisingly CATS, as you can see in the pic I have two.
8. what's your most important goal at the moment?
To get a balance in my life, since I love exploring new things, meet my friends, read etc... I tend to want to do it all at once. I need to find a way to listen to what I really want and realize I cant do it all.. at least not right now.
9. what do you think of the person who tagged you?
I never met her in person but she seems very nice and I LOVE her artwork and her blog.
10. what's the colour of your eyes?
11. if you could change something with yourself, what would that be?
I would be better at decorating and take care of my home.
12. if you could be anywhere in the world for the next hours, where would that be?
Don Det (4000 island in Laos) or Barcelona (Spain).
13. what do you find important with your friends?
That they are who they are. Honesty, loyality (if I deserve it) and humour.
14. What are you doing this summer?
Working most of the time. Attend to my sisters wedding in Dalarna, visit my grandparents up north, going to Parkteatern and listen to sommarpratarna ( I really like the swenglish sentence I just wrote).
15. what's your dreamjob?
Right now it is the one I actually have. I'm working as a coach.
16. what's your favourite piece in your wardrobe?
Hmm, not my type of question really but something from Orkanlia probably.
17. what´s your favourite make up brand?
Jane Iredale.
18. 3 things that make you smile.
My boyfriend, my friends and life itself.
19. If you could make 3 wishes, what would they be?
Worldpeace, my own dreamhouse situated by the water and with a beautiful garden and that they found the cure for cancer.
20. what's your favourite tv-series?
Friends, efterlyst, CSI.
21. what are you wearing at the moment?
Nothing that would make me a role model for fashion, my stay at home outfit which is very unfancy.
22. what's your favourite sweets?
Probably salty licorice.
23. who's your role model for style?
Don't have one.
24. what was the last film you saw?
Coraline. I loved it.
Hmm.. och vem ska jag tagga? Följande bloggare får utmaningen men sen väljer de själva vad de gör med den. Man måste ju inte anta en utmaning.. man gör precis som man vill.
Hej lilla vän, självklart antar jag utmaningen, det gör jag ju alltid!!!
SvaraRaderaPuss sötis
Hej och godmorgon söta du
SvaraRaderaklart jag antar utmaningen
Återkommer senare med resultatet
vad kul att du antog utmaningen så jag fick veta ännu mer om dig ;)
Tack Vida, var roligt att läsa mer om dig, men jag avstår utmaningen just nu för mitt livshjul snurrar allt för fort och behöver tid att landa i det nya. Varma kramar och det är njutbart att läsa dina fina tankar!
SvaraRaderaGivetvis antar jag utmaningen, skulle aldrig tacka nej ;) Det får bli ett inlägg lite senare idag! Ha en underbar dag! Kram T
SvaraRaderaMen vilken kulig en:)
SvaraRaderaOch kul att läsa mer om dig söta du.
Ha en fin måndag.
Kram Lallis
Jag är med och har nu ÄNTLIGEN svarat på dem - kul! :)